COMPARSON OF IQ OF A monekey, gorilla,

IQ of a Monkey, Gorilla & Orangutan Compared

IQ of a monkey, gorilla, and orangutan compared against each other can give very interesting results. This is because they all might look similar but each of them has a slightly different intelligence level. The intelligence of monkeys, gorillas, and orangutans is often compared with humans just to have an idea about which of them has the closest cognitive abilities to humans.

In the following article, I am about to discuss the IQ levels of each of these animals and then do a comparison of their individual IQs against each other. In the end, I would also compare their IQs against that of humans. So, for further details regarding this matter, I suggest you keep on reading down below.

IQ of A Monkey

The IQ of a monkey is not yet very clear. This is because some monkeys exhibit more intelligent behavior than others.

All in all, monkeys have the cognitive abilities of a three-year-old human child. Hence, on average, it is stated that a monkey has an IQ of about 100.

The funny part is that an average human being also has an average IQ of 100. However, humans are obviously more intelligent than monkeys with greater and more enhanced brain and cognitive abilities.

IQ of A Gorilla

The average IQ of a gorilla is stated somewhere between 70 and 90. Of course, some gorillas are more intelligent and smarter than others however, according to researchers, the average IQ of gorillas is slightly lower than monkeys.

However, you must also know that as per a few experiments, gorillas appeared to have an IQ higher than 100. It means that many gorillas are smarter and wiser than an average human child.

IQ of an Orangutan

The IQ of an orangutan ranges between 70 to 95. Orangutans are considered to be as intelligent as an average human being. These species of apes have enhanced cognitive abilities and are known to perform a few human tasks including using the foraging tools effectively, fishing with sticks, and crushing nuts.

In addition to that, orangutans also have enhanced learning abilities. They can simply watch humans do something and then perform the same tasks with equal ease and capability.

IQ of a Monkey, Gorilla, And Orangutan Compared

Monkeys, gorillas, and orangutans are said to be highly intelligent and smart primate species. They have excellent learning capabilities and great IQs. All in all, their intelligence comes closest to the human race.

However, when we compare the three of them together, orangutans are said to be the most intelligent of them all. These apes have the best abilities to learn and copy actual human beings.

Their IQ ranges between 70 and 95, but a few orangutans tend to have an IQ of higher than 100. This makes them smarter than an average human being. On the other hand, monkeys come close to the intelligence of orangutans with an average IQ of about 100.

But still, orangutans are way smarter than monkeys in displaying cognitive and learning abilities. In comparison to the other two species, the intelligence of gorillas stands between monkeys and orangutans. So, you can say that amongst the three of them, orangutans are the most intelligent, then come the gorillas, and in the last come monkeys.

IQ of a Monkey Vs Humans

The IQ of a monkey is said to be 100 whereas that of a human being ranges between 70 and 130. It is obvious that humans are way smarter than monkeys yet, it is also equally fascinating that monkeys stand so close in intelligence to humans.

Monkeys have fast learning capabilities although not as fast as humans. They can watch humans doing something and then emulate their actions. According to a few studies, the monkeys displayed the cognitive abilities of a three-year-old human child.

IQ Of a Gorillas Vs Humans

Gorillas have an IQ ranging between 70 to 95 whereas that of humans stands between 70 and 130. This makes gorillas very close in intelligence to humans. Surprisingly, a few gorillas are as intelligent as an average human being with enhanced cognitive abilities.

Humans are no doubt the smartest and the most cognitively enhanced species of all, but the gorillas are no less with only a few exceptions. So, yes, you can say that gorillas stand very close in intelligence to human beings but not quite so.

IQ of a Orangutans Vs Humans

Orangutans are the most intelligent among the monkeys, gorillas, and orangutans in comparison. Hence, they stand closest in intelligence to human beings.

Humans have an IQ ranging between 70 and 130 whereas a few orangutans have an IQ of 105. It means that even many orangutans are more intelligent than humans.

Are orangutans smarter than monkeys?

Yes, orangutans are way smarter than monkeys with an IQ ranging between 70 to 95. In fact, a few orangutans have even displayed an IQ higher than an average human being and they have exceptional learning and cognitive abilities. On the other hand, monkeys have an IQ of about 100 and display the cognitive abilities of a three-year-old human child.

Are orangutans as smart as humans?

Orangutans have an IQ of about 70 to 95 whereas a human being has an IQ ranging between 70 and 130. So, it is definitely possible that a few orangutans have an IQ higher than an average low-IQ human being.

So, it is safe to say that when comparing the intelligence of monkeys, gorillas, and orangutans, the orangutans tend to be the smartest and most intelligent. But when these three species are compared with humans, humans have the most advanced and complex cognitive abilities and hence, are the smartest and most intelligent of them all.

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